RTÉ have started podcasting. RTÉ (Radio Telefís Éireann) is Ireland's Public Service Broadcaster.
The show Quantum Leap is broadcast on Thursday evenings on RTÉ Radio 1 and it is now available as a podcast. (http://www.rte.ie/radio1/podcast/podcast_quantumleap.xml)
From the website (http://www.rte.ie/radio1/quantum/) :
"This new series looks at the latest work done by Irish scientists and reports on science stories from around the world. Over the course of the next three months, listeners will get an understanding of the science that underpins our lives, as well as an insight into what Irish scientists (at home and abroad) are working on. The series will be travelling throughout Ireland to report on scientific work, as well as recommending places to visit, events to attend and interesting new books, films and plays that have a scientific link."
this is a welcomed move by our state broadcaster, I hope they add more compelling content, but the first few shows look good.
has anyone noticed the MP3's are VBR, thus they will cause trouble in iRiver mp3 players...
brian greene
You said "first few shows". Do you have feeds for other RTÉ shows?
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